
I'll work with you to focus your software organization's execution, mission, and vision by sharing my 20 years of insights and lessons learned in nurturing team culture, solving engineering challenges, and navigating political landscapes. 

Building Software Engineering Expertise

LabVIEW Certification Mentorship

I've successfully mentored developers to achieve their certifications.

1 Certified LabVIEW Architect

3 Certified LabVIEW Developers

3 Certified LabVIEW Associate Developers

Nurturing Team Culture

Effective Contribution

The key to forming a collaborative community is trust. In this presentation at the 2018 Certified LabVIEW Architect Summit, I share my experience and advice on how team members can  build trust with various stakeholders including yourself, your boss, co-workers, and senior management. 

Career Mentorship

As engineers, we need to invest in our careers so that we become more meaningful contributors at our corporations and ensure we are fully engaging our passions. In this presentation NIConnect 2023, I share my experience and advice on how to grow your career as an engineer. 

Learn Together

Continuous education and cross pollination of knowledge are critical elements to any software organization's culture. National Instruments invited me to share my strategy for creating healthy, long lasting user groups in their Center of Excellence training set.